Bulk Diffusion or Beryllium Treatment: Bulk diffusion or beryllium treatment is a relatively new treatment. It is believed that many gems treated in this way have entered the marketplace without proper disclosure - a practice still continuing today. Although detection of this treatment is difficult, one thing to look for is evidence of very high temperature heating ( > 1800 °C) sometimes for extended periods. This does not prove that beryllium has been used but is indicative. These treatments are extremely common in fancy coloured sapphire and has now been detected in blue sapphire. Do not pay more for fine colour if this colour is not natural - this value is artificial so beware. Reputable sellers will disclose this treatment using terms such as bulk diffusion, lattice diffusion, beryllium or Be treatment. Aussie Sapphire does not support the use of this type of treatment and do not treat any of our gems in this way. See the Bulk Diffusion page for more information and an extensive list of web links dealing with this issue. |