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Last updated:  June 2006

Enhancement Treatments

NEW BLUE SAPPHIRE TREATMENT - Be alert and alarmed !

Yet another sector of the Coloured Gemstone industry poisoned by greed!

Latest news from Tucson 2006 warns of a new chemical treatment, this time affecting the largest part of the sapphire industry. The Blue Sapphire game has now changed for good, and I’m afraid not for the better. The grab for short term riches by the burners without thought or care for the long term future of their industry is very disappointing. The inability to economically test for these radical treatments means, more then ever, that buying the real thing will become increasingly difficult. The only sure way is to source direct from a reputable miner who guarantees the treatment status completely in writing.

Sapphires aren’t always sapphires anymore - the true value of a fine sapphire lies in its natural beauty and rarity.  With this new grab for profit at any expense, common corundum (formerly almost worthless) may be changed into pretty looking gems.  However, without the rarity factor and the man-made colour, you are not buying lasting value.  The value of fully natural or low temperature heat treated sapphire can only increase as the industry becomes swamped with these treated gems.  But a buyer will need to purchase carefully as often enhancement treatments are not disclosed throughout the complete supply chain.

See below for links to other articles or further down for brief explanation of the two main processes:  Basic Heat Treatment and Bulk Diffusion/Beryllium Treatment.

Basic Heat Treatment:

Basic heat treatment of sapphire is standard for the sapphire industry and buyers should  assume that all sapphire has undergone this process unless otherwise stated with supporting paperwork (lab certificate, etc). This simple process of heating the sapphire has been carried out for centuries and is a stable, permanent process which improves the appearance of many sapphires as it simply finishes the natural process of gem formation.

Some of our production benefits from this treatment and status will be indicated by use of the words “Basic heat treatment only”. See the Heat Treatment page for more information and relevant web links.

Bulk Diffusion or Beryllium Treatment:

Bulk diffusion or beryllium treatment is a relatively new treatment.  It is believed that many gems treated in this way have entered the marketplace without proper disclosure - a practice still continuing today.

Although detection of this treatment is difficult, one thing to look for is evidence of very high temperature heating ( > 1800 °C) sometimes for extended periods. This does not prove that beryllium has been used but is indicative.

These  treatments are extremely common in fancy coloured sapphire and has now been detected in blue sapphire.  Do not pay more for fine colour if this colour is not natural - this value is artificial so beware.

Reputable sellers will disclose this treatment using terms such as bulk diffusion, lattice diffusion, beryllium or Be treatment.  Aussie Sapphire does not support the use of this type of treatment and do not treat any of our gems in this way. 

See the Bulk Diffusion page for more information and an extensive list of web links dealing with this issue.

Although basic heat treatment of sapphire is standard for the industry, new enhancement treatments significantly alter the colour and appearance of gems through the use of chemical additives.

It is very important that buyers insist on full disclosure of any gemstone treatments before purchasing.

Please note that Aussie Sapphire will always state treatment status of all gems from our mine in our Certificate of Origin and only basic heat treatment is used where necessary. Unheated gems are sold as “fully natural with no enhancement treatments”

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