Aussie Sapphire online shop for Reddestone Creek sapphire and much more


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Last updated:  Oct 2006

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Newsfeed from our blog is below:



As ongoing promotion for our Ebay Store, we continue to run a number of auctions starting at just 99 cents - each one has a chance of selling for absolutely bargain bin prices so check them out if you are after a great buy.


The continuing drought in most parts of NSW has resulted in high demand for fodder with expected low winter crop production increasing grain prices. Our oats crops look pretty good at the moment  so hopefully the season will hold out well enough to get some in the silo.  We have sold most of our hay and only have some wrapped silage left.  High demand for millet has meant most of this year’s crop has been committed - local customers should secure their order soon to avoid disappointment at planting time. Please contact Elders, Glen Innes as usual do discuss your seed requirements.


The new website has been received very well with lots of positive feedback from customers.  We are in the process of reducing our Ebay Store inventory and relisting much of this on the main website.  Have also spend quite some time developing the new fossicking information section. As always, we welcome your feedback so if you have any suggestions about how you would like the new website to function or what kind of information you would like to see here, please let us know so we can meet the needs of our valued customers.

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