Aussie Sapphire online shop for Reddestone Creek sapphire and much more


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Last updated:  June 2006

About Us

Aussie Sapphire is operated by Lonewood Trust- a family business run by the Lane family. The 2 directors of Lonewood Trust are Andrew and Leah Lane.  Andrew is responsible for management of all parts of the business. He is trade qualified as an engine rebuilder and so is also responsible for maintenance and farm operations.  Leah plays a support role in the office and on the farm - she is also responsible for IT issues (including this website).  Leah works part-time for NSW DPI at the Glen Innes Centre for Perennial Grazing Systems as a Technical Officer (perennial pasture legume breeding).

The two youngest members of the team are Patrick (born 8-July-1997) and Angus (born 29-January-2002).  Patrick enjoys school and is passionately interested in trains - his favourite pastime is to play Trainz on the computer.  Angus loves going to playgroup, or visiting Nanny and Grandma.  His favourite activity is helping on the farm - he particularly likes mustering cattle. Our spare time interests include collecting old machinery and vehicles.  The Vintage link has photos and information about some of the items in our collection. See the Photos page for more photos of our family.

Andrew, Patrick & Angus - railmotor trip to Uralla, 2004.
Andrew describes his involvement with sapphires:

I have always had a fascination with machinery and with the proliferation of sapphire mines in the area throughout my childhood, all with lots of interesting and unusual gear, it’s little wonder I ended up as a miner.  As a young boy, I would often visit Davidson’s, who ran the Dunvegan Fossicking Reserve and Mine.  Stuart Davidson was one of those resourceful bush mechanics - I pestered him a lot as a boy but this turned out to be a good apprenticeship for later years.

Subsequently, when Rod Cook approached my father to set up a mine on “Lonewood” in about 1976, sapphire fever took hold.  My first paying job was working for Rod Cook on the mine starting with a weekend job at age 13.  Phil Archer, a man who has spent most of his life mining on the Reddestone creek, was my first boss at this time. Since we took over the mining from Rod Cook in 1998, we have employed Phil - people with such honesty and experience are hard to find. I later worked for Mac Eshman - at a very young age Mac called on me to dig and cart wash for the plant. His trust in me will never be forgotten and I owe a lot to both Phil and Mac. It was great experience - I had to learn fast or face a cranky sapphire plant operator if you took too much mud or bottom to him.

In year 10, work experience was  two weeks with Ken Aylwood, the largest miner in the district.  Did a bit more work experience during the school holidays at an engine rebuilding shop in South Grafton and was fortunate to be offered an apprenticeship soon afterwards. I started work before school ended but still somehow managed to receive my leaving certificate. Had a great experience in Grafton with spare time spent prawn trawling, speedway racing and shed building with some great friendships made during this time.

On returning to Glen Innes, I helped on the farm and recommenced at the mine working as a mechanic or operator.  Since taking over the mine, I have had to learn a lot more about sapphire mining in addition to just “digging them up” - however, sapphire fever is as strong as ever and I look forward to continuing in this industry for a long while yet.

Please note that Aussie Sapphire is the only remaining commercial miner operating on the Reddestone Creek and has no affiliation or business relationship at all with any other company that may trade as Reddestone Sapphires P/L of Glen Innes or any other other similar name.  We are a privately owned and operated business (Lonewood Trust trading as Aussie Sapphire).

How to Find Us:

map of NSWmap of New England region

Commercial flights are available to Armidale and Inverell from Brisbane or Sydney. For travel by road, Glen Innes is approximately halfway between Sydney and Brisbane on the New England Highway. Our sapphire mine and farm is near Glen Innes on the Emmaville Road.

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